My name is Glenn Clayton, and I’m passionate about solving problems that make the world a better place.


Investor. Founder. Science Nerd.

Hi! I’m Glenn. I’m an unabashed nerd. I ended up dropping out of college to pursue the entrepreneurial path. So while I never got my physics degree, I still love nerding out.

Today, I am primarily focused on helping other smart people solve hard problems that are worth solving and push humanity forward.

My background is primarily in software and tech-enabled services, but I have a soft spot for deep tech and other hard scientific and engineering related startups.


Nerding Out

I am trying to spend more of my personal time (i.e. uncompensated) helping scientists, researchers, and technologists think through commercialization. From capital and funding strategy to productization and business models to hiring and general business operations challenges, I love putting my business and finance experience to work supporting technologies that can help drive humanity forward into a bright future.


“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

- Carl Sagan